and started today. This is my task for today:
Considering the difference between weather and climate, come up with at least one example for each of the following: (a) weather change, and (b) climate change.
Post your results.
here are my anwers:a) one example is the change from dry sunny weather to windy and rainy weather.
b) If the weather conditions in a certain climate zone (e.g. the tropics) are changing (e.g. from humid to dry or to a higher temperature level) for a long period of time.
But in general one must always keep the global angle of view. Weather components like the wind can shift temperatures to other places.
There is one research which concludes that a climate change can be considered as such after at least 17 years of constant observation of a certain change of conditions.
In general, climate is a theoretical construct trying to measure mainly the global average surface temperatur over a long time and to check if there are significant trends.
Other factors mesured / observed are: Sea level, sea ice surface, Ice shield content (in cubic kilometres), number of severe hurricanes per year, energy content of storms and huricanes, atmospheric temperature, cloud cover, plant cover of the land surface, etc.
The problem is that most of these facts are not recorded for a long time ago, or that the methods have changed (e.g. temperature estimated first by ice cores, then by tree rings, then by thermometer, then by satelites, measuring staions surounded by heat-emitting traffic or cities, etc.) So one must calculate a high degree of uncertainity.
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